Monday, October 3, 2011

I learned Something - Red Tide

This will likely be the first of many posts in this series.  I subscribe to the belief that you need to constantly be learning to continue to grow as a person.  If there is something that I don't understand or know anything about I will usually read up on it until it makes sense, this is one of those times.

While in Laguna Beach, Steven and I noticed that there was a large area in the ocean that was red.  We didn't think anything of it until Herr V asked if we saw the red tide.  Growing up in Texas where it takes a day to get to the coast, I really don't know much about the ocean so I had no idea what he was referencing.  Of course, wikipedia to the rescue...

My assumption at the time was that the red we were seeing was some form of seaweed.  It turns out the redness was a form of algae.  The part I didn't understand is why people would still be swimming in the water with it there and frankly I still don't get it, but I have issues with strange things in the water touching me that I don't think the rest of the world has a problem with.  Swimming in murky water gives me the heebie jeebies.

I know this post may seem silly to those of you that grew up on the coast, but this is a pretty cool learning experience to see something first hand and then figure out what it is later.  The nerd in me thinks this is pretty awesome.

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