Tuesday, November 12, 2013

French Toast

This lovely loaf of bread that I made truly was delicious.

Unfortunately there was only so much I could eat before it was past its prime.  Luckily a Saturday morning came around and French Toast was in order.

Into the liquid mix went eggs, vanilla, milk and cinnamon.  That butter is for the pan.

While mixing everything up get the butter in the pan and start heating it through.

I tend to use a 9x9 baking dish to mix all the wet ingredients together.  It is a great shape for laying out the bread in one layer.

Stir everything up and slice the bread.

Soak the bread in the egg mixture for a few minutes on each side.  The more stale the bread is the longer I let it soak.  Really, you can't over soak but if it doesn't soak long enough you still get the stale center of the bread in the final product.

Into the hot skillet it goes.

Cook on both sides until brown.  You can see some extra bits of egg attached to some of the pieces of bread.  That is because any egg mixture left when the last piece of bread goes in the skillet gets poured over the top of the bread directly in the skillet.  No reason to waste the egg.

For a fun little treat, once the french toast is out of the pan toss in some banana and pear to get them warm and caramelized.

Now that is what I call breakfast.

In my opinion this breakfast is delicious enough with out the syrup and it saves a few calories.

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